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Information sources for investment education

Where to find investment information Johannes Röll Visitors: 578 ★★★★

First, you must decide how much time, effort and money you are willing to invest in learning and investing. The more active you trade, the more knowledge and skills you will need.

The most reliable source of information

There are many publications on stock trading for both beginners and experienced traders.

For example, books by famous traders can help you understand the fundamentals of investing: A History of Wall Street by Edwin Lefebvre; The Turtle Traders: Legends, Lessons, and Consequences by Michael Colwell; and Liar's Playing Cards by Michael Lewis. Below are brief descriptions of who these publications are useful to and how.

The Intelligent Investor: The Complete Guide to Value Investing by Benjamin Graham describes how to invest for the long term and avoid unnecessary risk.

University Courses

Leading online education platforms such as Coursera, EdX, OpenLearn, Udemy and Netology have long offered a variety of finance and investment courses. You can choose from English- and Russian-language courses at leading universities, from the Graduate School of Economics to Harvard University. Courses last several weeks and some are free.

More basic training is also available if you wish. Many universities offer two-year graduate programs for students who already have a college degree. With new knowledge and a diploma, you can find work not only in trading companies, but also in financial companies.

Courses offered by brokers and exchanges

Many major brokerage firms are developing their own online training programs for novice traders.

Companies usually charge for in-depth and advanced in-depth courses on specific instruments, and prices vary. It all depends on the company's reputation, the length of the course and whether the course includes Q&A sessions, practical exercises or just theory.

Learn from investment blogs

The Internet is filled with advertisements for courses for professional investors who are willing to share their personal experiences and talk about the ins and outs of working in the financial markets.

These courses are always fee-based, with prices ranging from a few thousand rubles to tens of thousands of rubles. And high prices are not always a guarantee of high-quality training. Therefore, you should define your expectations from the very beginning and carefully evaluate the different options of the training program.

Choose a program with homework, reviewing homework, correcting mistakes and answering questions.

Training can also include personal assistance from an instructor who will help you build a portfolio based on your personal preferences and risk appetite.

Many investment blogs organize free trial webinars before accepting new students. This allows you to assess whether you understand the way the material is presented, whether the instructor provides you with the knowledge you need, how much theory and how much practice there is, and whether you enjoy listening to him.

How to recognize a good trainer?

As people become more and more interested in investing, this topic attracts scammers. Scammers will tell you how to trade, how to build a profitable portfolio, how to open a brokerage account and how to invest in lucrative instruments.

In reality, at best they charge you commissions for useless advice and at worst they trick you into joining an illegal broker or forex dealer. Virtual brokers scam investors out of their money and bank card information, convince them to empty their accounts, and sometimes convince them to take out loans for "high-yield investments" before disappearing with the money.

Johannes Röll
Johannes Röll

Johannes Röll was born 1978 in Brilon,Germany. Graduated RWTH Aachen University. Over the past ten years he worked as Head of the plastic card team, where he was mainly responsible for the development of the distribution, Head of sales Department and Financial Analyst,where he got experience in planning and support sales figures for branches. For the present he works as freelancer

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