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Views:501 | 09 / 04 / 20

Six indicators of a good broker

Criteria of the reliable broker! I made the list of 6 signs that the company deserves a rank of the reliable broker!

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Views:467 | 09 / 04 / 20

Do you want to become the happy trader

Did you sometime see the successful person who complains of failures? It is sure that is not present. And it not because everything at them is so cloudless and fine. To everyone on the way to the purpose barriers and failures meet

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Webinars for working with forex brokers and reviews from best traders.

Views:421 | 09 / 04 / 20

To sleep or to trade? Schedule distribution in trading.

The foreign exchange market operates 5 days a week - 24 hours a day and without breaks for lunch (excluding holidays). But not every trader tried to trade on Forex at night: someone simply does not know that it is possible at all

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Webinars for working with forex brokers and reviews from best traders.

Views:522 | 06 / 04 / 20

Market Profile - How to Earn More?

I think every trader sooner or later starts to notice that candles sometimes show not quite a whole picture of what is happening on the market. Secondary price changes often confuse us and distract us from really important indicators.

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Webinars for working with forex brokers and reviews from best traders.

Views:465 | 05 / 04 / 20

Tokens as digital analogues of real assets and values

Tokens as digital analogues of real assets and values A token is a unit of account representing or expressing the digital value of an asset. Or in other words, it is a substitute for banknotes in the electronic-digital world, expressed in the form of record

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Webinars for working with forex brokers and reviews from best traders.

Views:409 | 03 / 04 / 20

The dollar will hold, the euro will sway, the ruble will become a parasite

19 epidemic is threatening a crisis throughout the global financial system. Previous calculations of economic growth have completely lost their relevance, one can only guess how strong the collapse can be.

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Webinars for working with forex brokers and reviews from best traders.

Views:509 | 29 / 03 / 20

Front running as one of the types of trading on the exchange

The legal way is that the trader searches for a large volume in the “glass” of orders and starts trading from this volume in the opposite direction, placing his order exactly in front of the level at which this large volume is located.

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Webinars for working with forex brokers and reviews from best traders.

Views:453 | 23 / 03 / 20

The top of macroeconomic news that affect Forex

By analysing this indicator, we will learn how high the unemployment rate in the country is, as well as calculate the percentage of working but not employed. This news is published on every first Friday of the new month

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Webinars for working with forex brokers and reviews from best traders.

Views:458 | 22 / 03 / 20

How can I trade successfully through signal services?

Immediately I want to note the following very important point: if you have already decided to make money this way on the exchange, i.e. with the use of someone else’s head

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Webinars for working with forex brokers and reviews from best traders.

Views:511 | 19 / 03 / 20

How to trade during your vacation?

PC and mouse. No matter how assured you that today it is no less convenient to trade through a smartphone/iPhone - do not be led. This can be used for the short term - if only you have gone somewhere for the day

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Webinars for working with forex brokers and reviews from best traders.

Views:432 | 18 / 03 / 20

Are you trading a little bit too much?

In this case the behavior of the trader is similar to behavior of the hazardous player, and in any way not the person who is adjusted to earn money. Certainly, any behavior model is personally your choice.

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Webinars for working with forex brokers and reviews from best traders.

Views:512 | 17 / 03 / 20

Trade In The Red - How To Avoid This?

It is always more pleasant to learn from other people 's mistakes than from your own. In this article, I will provide a list of reasons why traders lose their money while trading on Forex

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